Sunday, May 15, 2011

Zealous Zambales: A Summer Youth Camp

Unknown Invitation and The Travel
One warm afternoon as I walk on the street to my way home from the office, I came to pass an ad posted in a Meralco post inviting youth and young professionals for a summer youth camp adventure in Iba, Zambales. I don’t have any idea what will happen on that summer camp but I want adventure, travelling and going to places I never visited before that’s why I am interested to join. I even don’t know who will be attending the camp and despite the fact it’s an unknown invitation, I don’t know if the people I am going to deal with are good and don’t have any personal motives against  me. I get the contact number and email ad yet didn’t contact that person for almost two months. I only did it a week before the scheduled activity and meet with Lowi. Lowi is the organizer of the summer youth camp for the young people in their church. He invited me to join the orientation and introduced me to his fellow youths that he is counselling. As a networker, I already learned to be comfortable in a group of people whether newly introduced or not. As I have said, talking to people is one of my passion, getting to know each of them and being interested in their lives. During that day even it’s my first time to meet with them I was already at ease talking to them.

We agreed to meet by 7am at their church in Arayat Street by Wednesday. Since the bus will arrive at 8am, I took a seat beside a 14yrs old boy and started a conversation while waiting for the bus. I asked him questions like what school he’s attending, if he has friends or family members attending the camp too and many more. He is also a good conversationalist unlike some young people who will not talk to a person they just met the very first time. He is not hesitant to talk with me so I keep our conversation going and I found out he is a first year high school student and the third member among his four siblings.

Lowi reading messages sent to his mobile phone
 from the campers inside the bus during a game.
We went deeper in our tête-à-tête about our private lives and he asked personal questions to me too that I eagerly answered. With that one hour chat, we got to know each other and felt close to each other already. He agreed to seat beside me inside the bus but Lowi said he will be sitting next to me. We boarded the bus by 8am and Lowi started to excite the campers by starting a game. I really admire Lowi’s leadership skills and winning attitude to lead a group of young people and create an impact to their lives. They named their organization the NBI or the New Beginning Impact. They are helping youth ages 9 to 25 to have a worth-living life and to stay on track with God. They offer talent enhancement like playing instruments (guitars, drum etc) to divert the attention of the youth instead of being addicted to drugs, online games and any other bad influence that they can get from the environment nowadays. They are doing this step-by-step since they believe that youths can make a real impact to the world much greater impact against all adults combined. The population of the Philippines consists of 68% of young people or youths ages 13-25 and they can manipulate and run the whole country if stand as one. The only problem is only few have meaning and directions of life while the rest are just playing around and watching. They believe that they are too young to play an important role to the society.

We arrived at Lubao, Pampanga just after 12nn and took our lunch at Double Happiness. The games inside the bus resumed as we continue our trip until we reached our destination in The Highlands in Iba, Zambales by 3pm. The campers were told to make a line under the mango tree while the security personnel scanned our bags and belongings for safety measures. We were advised to surrender any deadly weapons, gadgets and materials prohibited inside the camp. I noticed that there are few Americans around and presumed that these are the missionaries helping the young people. They organized this summer youth camp just the same reason the NBI group of Lowi had.

Campers’ Orientation and Opening Night
The orientation commenced at 5pm and all campers from different places within Metro Manila gathered in an auditorium that can handle thousands of people. The emcee was very funny and witty. He drives the campers’ enthusiasm by welcoming them with an audience participation activity thru groupings and awarding points to the first group who will assembled the fastest. The four groups represented by colours red, blue, orange and green corresponding to Rush, Flash, Push and Dash teams respectively. Our bus, bus 21, clustered to the group of Rush. Dinner was served after the campers’ orientation while opening night and other sessions started by 7pm. We were instructed to have a chant for our group whenever Team Rush is called. Jae and AJ volunteered themselves to lead the Rush Team and together with the help of other Rush leaders, we practiced for our cheer to be presented during the opening night. AJ and Jae had a hard time organizing the big crowd but with determination, the group was able to finish a beautiful chant for our presentation. The group was declared as the winner since they aimed for the winning score of 50,000 points. They gave their best foot forward plus practicing consistently. This is one testimony that when you really aim for the best and you take action, it will be given to you.
Since the summer youth camp started last January, the campers for this batch were already the batch 64 who will undergo the summer youth camp for 24 hours. During the opening night, there were presentations, stage drama, preaching session and rock and roll band. The young people started to jump and dance while the band set to play Hillsong music. The night was awe-inspiring for everyone who attended the event. All people involved in organizing the camp volunteered themselves for the glory of God. These are combination of young people to adult preachers who were leading to the same mission- to help and direct the youths where they should be leading, to involve Christ in their lives and to live the Christian way of life.
 All of us in bus 21 were assigned to the same dorm- dorm 10. There were 12 dorms in the camp exclusive of dorm C. Dorms 1-6 were assigned for girls and the rest for the boys. Lights were off after all the sessions and campers proceed to their respective dorms to sleep. Activities the next day were already set.

Day 2: The Adventure
            We took our breakfast by 6am and I was impressed by the coffee. It’s not branded like the Starbucks but it has the quality and great taste same as the branded coffee sold commercially. That was one of the best coffee I ever tasted. I guess they used fresh milk instead of a creamer and I never found out if I was correct. The announcer at the camp summoned all the campers to gather inside the auditorium and begin the day-2 session. The games to be done that day were previewed from a video clip and everybody were energized as well as excited to undergo the activities. Our team, Rush Team, were positioned first at the mud slide and I was the first to experience the extreme adventure. The second station is the sand transfer wherein you will carry a pale of sand, walk over the bridge with sticky mud under it then transfer the sand to a drum at the other side of the wooden bridge. This was also exciting since you have the chance to be bathed by sticky mud if you fell from the wooden bridge. Lucky I am I was able to cross the bridge without falling.

The third station is more thrilling. It consists of ten throw away wheels suspended five meters above a muck. This game took a lot of time and some of my team mates weren’t able to experience it. While our team mates were busy crossing the other side of the muck, AJ and Jae lead the team cheering our team mates. It was full of fun even in a very hot mid-day sun. The last of the activities is to ride an improvised bamboo boat while the team members paddled their way to cross the lake. Members of this game consist of ten people and they will combine their talents, skills and camaraderie in moving across the other side of the lake. Again, the remaining of the team is cheering our team mates while their on board.

After all the activities has completed, campers were allowed to wash themselves, pack their things and gather to the auditorium for the announcement of winners and final session. Dash Team proclaimed as the winner while our team is the second runner up.

We left the camp by 3pm and another batch of campers is coming in for their 24hours adventure. We had smile in our faces, joys in our hearts and Jesus in our life when we left The Highlands. At the bus, Lowi started the game again and everybody participated. Even we travel for almost 8hrs on our way back to Manila, I assure all the campers enjoyed the activities.

This is the most exciting summer youth camp I ever attended. I am attending summer youth camps in our church when I was still in high school but this event was really full of fun, adventure, enjoyment and as the same time I was able to build relationship to strangers as real close friends. Today, Lowi and I are business partners, buddies and a best of friends with the remaining of the summer youth camp attendees from their church. Thanks to Lowi who introduced and invited me to join his group. We also play table tennis in their church during my spare time.

Their church is located at Arayat St., Brgy. Malamig, Mandaluyong City. Call Lowi for more information 09062726020

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